Heavy Duty Interference on the Career/Economics Side. Russian Trade Reps in the USA seemed to be bound to RUS-USA Trade Opportunities only - had the delay/runaround for over a Year. Meanwhile, my Mother took Ill over the New Year (Pneumonia), spent a few weeks in Skilled Nursing (Rehab for Strength), and due to her Alzheimer's, is now in a Boarding Care Facility. Due to the Econ/Career Boycott and Industrial Espionage/Sabotage (for wanting to go Overseas to places like Russia to Work/R&D (Los Angeles is apparently full of stalking Parasite/Parasitoid Thieves and Racketeers), I took up a job as a Rideshare Driver to help make ends meet. Been in a High Income Threshold for some time due to my IT/Technology Expertise and Experience; but will have to wait until I find myself a Sponsor in Russia. May have to leave my Mother in Japan with my Cousins, or take her along for my next Project. I've several High Tech Inventions/Innovations I'd like to finish and deploy in Russia. So far, I've several Religious cults (e.g. Mormons, Jehovah Witness, Scientology, Jesuits, and the Jews4Jesus/Chabad), Political/Ethnic Groups (e.g., GreenPeace, Polish, Israeli/Jewish, Armenian, Sourth Korean, Vietnamese,Taiwanese, Filipino) spearheading the Interference. Obviously, they don't want Russia, China, India, Germany, Japan, and the rest of Europe and Asia to Prosper. I consider them Plunderer/Profiteering Racketeers - that's why a Ethical Geniuses like yours truly end up seeking work/emigrating Overseas. If Anyone can arrange for someone to fly me over to Russia for an Interview (RUSHYDRO, ROSTEC, ROSATOM, or Govt Ministries), I'd be much obliged. Thank you in advance.

Теги других блогов: career economics interference