I wished for Senator Jim Webb, an fellow Alumnus from the US Naval Academy and a War Veteran, to move far along the Presidential Campaign. Unfortunately, he was drowned out by Secretary Clinton.
I hoped for someone like Congressman Ron Paul - another War Veteran (Flight Surgeon) - who would have recalled many Troops home from abroad to be in the Running. Again, cast aside by the de facto 2 Party System for the POTUS(President of the United States).
Mr. Trump, while being a Draft/Conscription Dodger, is probably the safest choice for the USA - Illegal Immigration(and crime wave) to be curbed, Tariffs raised (to keep Jobs/Positions of All Income Levels in Country), and working out more agreeable deals with others. He appears to have the most pragmatic and non-accusatory viewpoint regarding Russia.
All other Republican Contestants are schills of the Bush PetrolDollar Faction, the Banker-Owner Faction, and/or the NewWorldOrder-FreeTrader Factions. He's not a Secret (Masonic or Papal) Society Member, so he might be America's only Hope for this Election Cycle.
I plan on working abroad; and possibly living abroad for a long time. Getting married and raising a Family abroad (I was raised in Japan) seems like an attractive option day by day.