It's been awhile. I've been trying to make new Business/Investment Contacts in Russia - English Speaking Managers - since I just started to learn Russian.
I emailed the Economic Development, Energy, and a few other Ministries, along with a few Venture Capital and State Owned Firms.
It's tough to follow up by phone, since the Secretaries who answer the Phone Bank don't speak anything but Russian (even in International Project and Press Offices).
I need a Translator/Dealmaker in Russia. What I'd like to introduce is quite serious in Nature, so I need someone with a Security Clearance or another Stamp of Approval by the State.
R&D in Russia, using Russian Assets for Projects designated for Russia. All it takes are a few invitations, Flights, and a few Presentations and Interviews.
You'd think it would be simple; but it's almost as if I can't get past through w/o American Intel Types (and Public/Police/Clergy/Cult Corruption) wanting to sabotage my efforts here in the USA, and others who don't want Russians (or anyone else) to benefit from Technological Progress and improved Trade.
The Western Banking and PetroDollar Systems - along with their Hegemon Advocates (Hegemongers - nice nickname, isn't it?) have gone beyond the Law.